Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Hello! That ain't a greeting, its Google's photo sharing software. It's wonderful, while exploring Hello yesterday we discovered some emoticons (Hello refers to emoticons as Motio). Like the falling heart, LOL, and various other smileys.

Here are the smileys:
heart <= 'love', 'heart', 'xo', 'hearts', 'cloverleaf' (cloverleaf actually contains the word "love", that's why...) :( = > ':(', ':-(', ';(', '=('
>:) => '^:)', '>:)'
:| => ':|'
:) => ':)', ':-)', '=)', ';)'

LOL => 'lol'
:o => ':O', ':o'
;) => ';)'
:p => ':P', ':p'

And I also found some auto expand keywords, Hello expands some keys to their respective phrases in random.

Here are the auto expand keywords:

b => Bye! / See ya!
c => Awesome! / Cool!
h => Hi! / Howdy / Hello!
k => ok / okay
l => lol
n => No / Nope
y => Yep / Yes
bfn => Bye for Now
brb => Be back in a minute / Be right back
md => Mos Def! / Most Definitely
np => No Problem
ty => Thanks! / Thank you

Furthermore, you can hex edit Hello's main executable to add in more smileys, and also edit the existing smileys which are stored in a PSD file in Hello's installation directory.
Happy 'Hello-ing' :-)

A Hello screenshot:

1 comment:

Tanaz Kerawala said...

so u ppl finally explored hello fully
its gud will try using it
:) meet u online soon